Shrinking feet - Oh my!

Thursday 7 March 2013
At the consultation with my orthopeadic surgeon a few weeks ago I was told that I would be on crutches for 2 weeks after my surgery :( it made me realise that I had to drop some Kgs so I could actually use them - although the thought of making my boyfriend carry me around for 2 weeks did cross my mind and seemed like the easier option hehe. If you haven't read about my ankle injury that requires the operation, here is the link.

So, with the impending doom of 2 weeks on crutches and the pain that goes with it to my my arms, I joined a weightloss gym called Motivating Health on the 22nd February and set myself a goal to lose 10kg before my surgery on the 1st of May. I have been working hard at my new lifestyle plan and it is completely working!! I have lost 3.7kgs in just under 2 weeks hooooooray.

Unfortunately as anyone who has tried to lose weight before knows it ALWAYS comes off the parts of the body that you don't want it to ie breasticles and in my case my feet!


This means I could potentially have 100+ pairs of shoes that won't fit me correctly anymore :(
Before you all start cheering about my iminent fire sale. Please recall my previous blog post here about party feet, hopefully they will get me through the initial weightloss and the weight then begins to shift from the places that need it like my butt!!!

Grace xo 


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