3 Pairs for $30 (Including Express Post)!

Thursday 14 March 2013
On Tuesday, during my lunch break I was bored - boredom generally leads to two things; 
eating and since I have started my new healthy eating plan that was out of the question,
shopping, so I decided to put the call out to all my Facebook likers for their favourite online shoe stores and was keen to spend up!

I need to say thank you to Mandy for suggesting "You are my Sunshine", although I thought initially that Mandy was cracking on to me, I checked out the website. To my surprise it was a website I was familiar with and that is because it was formally known as "Stucey Shoes".

I loved Stucey shoes previously, but they had fallen off my radar and sadly out of my newsfeed, so I missed the memo that they were changing their name to You are my Sunshine.

Needless to say, I was totally excited about rekindling my old flame with a new counterpart in You are my Sunshine. As I trolled through the pages of shoes I was awestruck in how inexpensive the shoes were, how could I forget THIS during the 2 years of seperation between us?!?!

Naturally I purchased 3 pairs of shoes in 10 minutes, check them out below, and the best part they were only $5 each + $15 in total to post and they arrived TODAY - only 2 days after I ordered them.

Also, this shoe purchase got me back in the game, can you believe that I haven't bought any shoes since my trip to Melbourne in January?? Read all about them here.

Do yourself a favour and check out "You are my Sunshine" they definitely are worth a look!

Grace xo


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