Finally own a pair of KHBs :D

Tuesday 12 August 2014
I have shivered through countless winters without owning a pair of knee high boots (KHBs), lets face it and call a spade a spade - because I was too fat!

You may recall about 18 months ago I embarked on a weightloss adventure - check it out in a previous post here. I can now proudly say that I have lost 24kgs - yippee! The only downfall of losing weight that I can see is my feet did shrink, but every cloud has a silver lining - complete shoedrobe update time :D.

Now that I have lost all the weight, my calf muscles FINALLY fit in KHBs, so I knew I had to have a pair this winter, and with spring just around the corner I knew a quick decision would be a good one, if I could manage it!

Obviously, my first choice was to see what Shoe Me Gorgeous had to offer and off course they had the boots for me, it was a true "Hallelujah" moment when I saw them! However, buying them would mean they would be the most expensive pair of shoes I owned. Before splurging on them I had a lot to consider, after all I have a wedding & honeymoon to save for. Thankfully, after checking on them on a nightly basis for the following two weeks, my lovely fiance' encouraged me to buy them "they represent how far you have come in your weight loss journey, you deserve them". Not needing any further convincing from my fiance' and knowing that Shoe Me Gorgeous has a great returns policy I bought them that evening hehe.

Being Ramarim brand, I knew they would be comfortable, soft and well made, and when they arrived today they lived up to all expectations. I almost cried happy tears in the office today when they fit PERFECTLY! Check out my Ramarim collage below, even Magic my cat approves of my KHBs.

I now own 3 pairs of Ramarims (View my previous review here) - I really don't understand how Ramarim are able to constantly make the most comfortable heels I have ever worn despite them all being different styles. It must be the equivalent to the "KFC 11 secret herbs and spices" of the shoe world. Why other shoe creators haven't tried to mimic Ramarim's brilliance is beyond me?!

Do yourself a favour and make sure you check out Shoe Me Gorgeous' Ramarim sale at the moment. There are some crazy bargains to be had. Trust me they are seriously worth the price; your feet, back and legs will thank you 1000 times over.

I get excited every time I see a "Ramarim" box - this one was huge too perfect huggable size!

Magic provides an approval nod

Such a smooth soft leather & "Room to move" buckles

Grace xox


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