Birthday Time!

Sunday 19 October 2014
Cannot believe it is time again for my annual birthday post! Why does time rush by so fast?

This year I did something a little different and actually took the day off work, so I couldn't wear my mismatching shoes, read about them below!
Check out my previous birthday posts here and here.

This year my Fiance' and I headed north to Harrington and Port Macquarie. Sadly not one pair of shoes were purchased on the trip, plenty of wine and food though haha. 
To top off a fantastic long weekend I had the below parcels waiting on my desk when I arrived at work, screaming to be opened!! This means it is my birthday all over again - yippeeeee!

I think next year I might keep my birthday on the DL, I am turning 30 eeeeeeek. Maybe I can celebrate the 9th anniversary of my 21st instead?

Grace xo


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