When have you had to Soldier On?

Saturday 24 May 2014
You would all be familiar with the Codral Cold and Flu advertisement, if not check it out here. Not only does Audrey's heel break off her ankle boot, she continues on her walk at differing heights and then encounters a street full of marbles! If only Audrey had read
Wiki How's 9 step list on how to deal with a broken high heel, she would have had a spare pair of shoes and still made it to the party.
This made me wonder, surely other shoe lovers out there must have been in this situation before? Please let me know if you have!

My fashionable workmate, who discovered the heels in my very first post here, had a similar situation, she broke her heel walking down the stairs at work, it could have been a catastrophic situation, but thankfully the shoe was the only casualty.

Despite my years of weighing way more than I should and buying 'cheap' shoes I cannot recall a time where this has happened to me - please correct me if I am wrong haha.

Grace xox


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