Shoes can be lifesavers

Saturday 21 February 2015
I pretty much wear high heels everyday at work, if I decide to hit the shops on a Thursday evening for some late night retail therapy I usually chuck on a pair of flats that I leave in the car. This means my high heels sometimes spend a few weeks hiding in the back seat of my car - not ideal for two reasons: 

1. A pair of my babies are not available for the morning choice session when I run out of the door at 7:55am.

2. The following can happen :O

I was so surprised to see these on the back seat of my car with the sole almost completely off. We have had a lot of humid and hot days lately so it must have been the temperature in my car that forced this to happen.
It made me think about the deeply sad occurrences of sleep deprived mothers and fathers accidentally leaving their most prized possessions in their car....their children.

Look what the heat did to my shoe!!! Let alone a little child.
I have a small suggestion for Mothers and Fathers of young children. Leave the left shoe you are wearing in the back seat of your car when you are driving, forcing you to open the back door of your car to retrieve it prior to running your errands and hopefully in the process noticing your child. I know it might be cumbersome on your already crazy busy schedule of raising children, but it could save a life.

I do not know the ins and out of laws surrounding footwear when driving, or how this suggestion could work for manual drivers. I just thought there had to be something that both women and men have on their person on a daily basis when driving that could act as the lifesaver. A shoe it is.

Do you have a ritual to remind yourself in cases like this?

Grace xo

PS I do not have children, this is only my opinion and a suggestion :)


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