In my mind I thought going to Paris I would see some incredible high heels that I just had to have. Mostly I saw 'interesting' shoes, but their price tags were the only thing 'high' about them, so I couldn't justify buying them for the 'interesting' factor.
What do you think of the ones below? These were in a boutique store I found in Dijon (that wasn't open!). But 175 Euros for glitter Birkenstock? Eeek!
We visited Milan, Venice and Rome. I only spotted one shop that was worth a few quick pictures of some gorgeous high heels in Venice.
Which are your favourite? I almost came home with all 3 until I realised that were 350 euros a pair.... here is the store's website if you are interested.
Mediterranean Cruise
So despite being disappointed so far with the shoes in France and Italy in my price range, I still looked around every stop on our 14 day Mediterranean cruise.
Again the shoes were interesting and had a very expensive pricetag attached.
FINALLY, I changed my plan and stopped looking in boutique shoe shops aimed at tourists and went to the Bazaar instead and got a pair of pink wedges (in the pic below) and some pink joggers.
Again visiting a local shopping center instead of the boutiques, I snapped up another 2 pairs of shoes to add to my collection. The only problem is it is absolutely freezing in Australia at the moment so I have to wait until Spring / Summer to wear any of them :(
Now onto the random footwear that caught my eye throughout the trip.
A guy wearing two different coloured socks In Paris (looked like a local, no backpack or hat in sight!)
Our tour guide in the Vatican with taped up sling backs.
A young lady wandering around the Colosseum with only one shoe on
I wonder when my next shoe safari will be, hope it is soon!
Grace xo