So, after checking the long range weather forecast for my area for the next month, there are only 4 days that do not mention rain.Time to get some water friendly shoes with some height!
Around 2 years ago, I picked up the best pair of faux crocskin gumboot wedges from Novo for $20. Everyone who I told about them thought they were ridiculous and that they were not required.
Unfortunately I never wore them due to the spraining of my ankle (which you can read about here), my ankle has been swollen since then, and the gumboot wedges didn't fit :(. I made the very hard decision to on sell them to a friend for $10 (You are welcome Kassandra hehe). And have a look at what I found on the Iconic website - Gumboot wedges for +$170!!!!!
Obviously these are a brand name pair, but with that huge increase in price, I have decided to just purchase these.... |
Nah, just joking I will stick with my trusty patent leather stilettos and upgrade those if they get ruined in the wet & have some daggy flats in the car for puddles.
How do you ensure your shoes don't get ruined when the heavens open up?
Grace xo